In-Tents Camping!

Risk that is most likely to Occur

 The following is an Emergency plan regarding the risk we deem our facility most likely to encounter…

Risk-   Inclement weather over night presents an additional challenge at In-Tents-Camping due to our campers sleeping in canvas tents rather than a cabin with solid foundation.

Risk Prevention/Alleviation-  Inclement weather is a fact of nature and therefore is unpreventable however there are steps we can take to alleviate the inherent risk that it presents. For one, members’ of our grounds crew will always be alert to weather reports made over the radio so that we are ready and prepared to take our steps to best avoid the risk. Secondly campers and staff alike will be trained on how to make sure the tents are closed properly so that a minor weather issue does not affect them. Finally in case of severe weather staff will be trained on how to evacuate the campers from the tents properly and where to specifically take them.

Reaction to the Risk-   Once a severe weather warning has gone through the Grounds Crew Supervisor will then be in charge of sounding off an emergency alarm siren. Staff will be trained to first remain calm if this happens. They then will be in charge of waking up the campers that they are responsible for in their tents and instructing them to quickly grab their shoes and gather outside of the tent. The staff member will then walk them to the closest building containing a sturdy foundation and roof, in this case the bathroom. Once in the bathroom they will hang out and sing songs or play games to keep the child's mind off of the emergency. Other counselors will be responsible for monitoring children who are overly scared. They will continue to do this until notification has been given through radio that it is safe to return to the tents.